Materials handling equipment is crucial for any business where moving large quantities of heavy goods is involved, not only for productivity but also for employee safety and business compliance. However, buying handling equipment may not be such a straightforward process depending on the types of goods you’re using it for and the type of warehouse or business you run. This quick guide will go over some important things to consider when purchasing materials handling equipment for your business.
Determine What Type of Equipment You Need
There’s a wide range of materials handling equipment available on the market, so it’s important to know what type of equipment is best suited to your business. While the type of handling equipment your business requires will be obvious in some cases, you may need speciality handling equipment depending on the nature of your business, or a higher quality version of a standard piece of handling equipment. If you’re unsure what types of equipment are right for your business, you should consult with a materials handling specialist or store that can help you assess your needs.
Consider Your Budget
Materials handling equipment can be costly, so it’s important to consider your budget when making a purchase. Try to get quotes from multiple suppliers and compare prices to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Fortunately, you can do a lot with even just a few pieces of professional-grade handling equipment, so even on a tight budget, you should be able to acquire enough handling equipment to get you by until your business is generating enough revenue to justify purchasing more.
Assess Your Space
Make sure you have enough space to store and use the materials handling equipment you purchase. Using handling equipment safely means you’ll need an adequate amount of room to manoeuvre the equipment through. While you may think this goes without saying, many business owners can get caught up in the stress of needing the equipment to complete their task and therefore neglect other considerations. If space is limited in your warehouse or shop, there are smaller materials handling solutions available that are designed to function and be used in compact spaces.
Read Reviews
When researching materials handling equipment, be sure to read reviews from other businesses to get an idea of quality and performance. It’s important that you develop an understanding of the quality distinctions between different brands and why certain materials may mean the equipment is of a higher quality compared to other similar types of equipment. In general, it’s okay to spend more money on higher-quality equipment. While you may be tempted to try to save some money by purchasing cheaper handling equipment, these lower-quality products may simply not be able to withstand the general wear and tear they’re bound to go through with regular use, so you could very well end up being further out of pocket due to constantly needing to replace or purchase new equipment.
Secure a Warranty
Many materials handling equipment suppliers offer warranties on their products. A warranty is crucial, as even the highest quality handling equipment can be prone to premature breakdown due to a manufacturing error. Securing a warranty from your supplier is the best way to protect your investment as well as give yourself peace of mind.